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Piero. Historic Collection...

The regulation's key for Panerai's -historic- watch with the dodecagonal bezel (gift from Volker Wiegmann and Frank Raiss, Germany), the pins for jacket of the Commandos and of the Helmet-Divers of the Italian Navy, the pin for jacket with the Officine Panerai's Logo OP (gift from Ermes Dionisio, Italy) and the O. Panerai's blue ribbon

The stone and the stamp, both with the O. Panerai's Florence Logo OP (respectly gifts from Volker Wiegmann-Frank Raiss and Thorsten Grothe, Germany)

Catalogue of the 1950's of the Orologeria Svizzera of Florence (today is the location of the Boutique and of the Museum Panerai), gift from Mario Paci, Florence

Watch-holder's box, made by Underwood Florence, for two watches (gift from Simona Di Stefano, Florence) with the 2005 O. Panerai's catalogue

Surprise! Et voilà the Piero's two -little brothers-...
The Radiomir (Base) (Certificate No. 00721°) with the L. Marina, Club Panerai personalized (Certificate No. 00002°)
OP6623 BB1150321 H0596/1500

Official Buckle

OP6502 BB976135 A0324/1500

Piero. Personalized Buckle
Luminor Marina Club Panerai
luminor Marina Club Panerai
Piero. Personalized Strap

See, in .jpg format, the Certificate No. 00002° of the L. Marina, personalized Club Panerai
Click here
and the Certificate No. 00721° of the Radiomir (Base)
Click here

The keyholder of the Helmets Divers of the Italian Navy, the personalized neck keyholder of the Club Panerai, the official blue ribbon of the Officine Panerai and the keyholder, personalized Club Panerai from the Manifatture Firenze

The Crest of the Commandos of the Italian Navy -Comsubin- with the tie of the Helmet-Divers, ever of the Italian Navy

Other interesting photos, you can see also at the pages Club Panerai's HQ, L./L. Marina Club Panerai and Piero. Boxes and Straps...


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