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Piero. Boxes and Straps ...

The box (unfortunately, has been ever empty) of the Panerai watch, Florence production (Replica 1993-97)

The box of my Luminor Marina (1998-A, Historic Coll., Certificate No. 00002°) with the other of my Radiomir (Base) (2005-H, Historic Coll., Certificate No. 00721°).
As you can see, are a bit different about the size, the polishing and the drawing of the wood that, however, is ever made of pear tree.
The Radiomir Base has not the screwdriver, the second strap, the L bridge of the Luminor and it is guaranteed until m 100, instead until m 300 of the Luminor, but it is much expensive than the Luminor…

The personalized buckle (written PIERO) of my, already personalized, Luminor Marina-Club Panerai, with the official buckle (written PANERAI) of my, not yet personalized, Radiomir Base
Piero. Personalized Buckle
Official Buckle

My little collection of straps: (Manifatture Firenze, Mario Paci and Officine Firenze) with, in the centre, the official (and very expensive) calf strap of the Company, produced in Austria…

The personalized strap, for my Luminor Marina, with the buckle, Florence Replica 1993/97, made of black calf with the blue sewn
Piero. Personalized Strap

The other my passion? Is the Sommelier! (Just like it of my brother in law Marco Mancini, the webmaster)

This is the classic equipment of the Sommelier of my Federation, the Fisar, of our Department (Delegazione), the Delegazione Versilia, our glass with the wooden-box of the Merlo-t della Topanera (a wine, with a funny name in italian…, produced near my area and based on Merlot grapes; Italian Doc Colline Lucchesi-Provincia di Lucca, Tuscany) and my diploma of Sommelier Fisar

As you can see, the certificates sent from the Club Panerai, just come thanks from my passion…

See, in .jpg format, the Certificate No. 00002° of the L. Marina, personalized Club Panerai
Click here
and the Certificate No. 00721° of the Radiomir (Base)
Click here

Other interesting photos, you can see also at the pages Club Panerai's HQ, L./L. Marina Club Panerai and Piero. Historic Collection...


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