Meetings Club Panerai
Eventi nel Mondo
XI Meeting 2011 (Programme)

Welcome in Viareggio-I, HQ of the Club Panerai!

Sat. 7th May 2011, has been held the XI Meeting of the Club Panerai,
reserved only to the members of the Club.*
Programme*: Has been sent only to the guests.

Post-Card*: Click here (By Mario Paci,.pdf).

Dinner Sat. 7th: Euro 40.00 pro-head.
The wines of the final dinner, this year has been offered by -Villa S. Andrea- in San Casciano Val di Pesa (Florence);
Main Event: Visit in Castelfiorentino (Florence) to the Leather Workshop -Officine Meccaniche Brelli- of F. Ciampi and, then, Lunch care of his country estate in Montaione (Florence), with a Mini-Bus with the Driver, Euro 30.00 pro-head;
Hotel: Single room, bed and breakfast: Euro 80.00 per day;
Hotel: Double room, bed and breakfast, Euro 110.00 per day and per room 
(or Euro 90.00, if single room use);
Hotel: Triple room, bed and breakfast, Euro 140.00 per day and per room;
P. S: The hotel is equipped, in every room, with the safe and also the animals are allowed. No exhibitions of watches is scheduled.

Info and Bookings, by writing both to:
- (Programme and Events, Piero Lapiana. Object: XI Meeting);
- (Hotel Accomodation and/or Dinner of Sat. 7th May, Nicola Salvini. Object: XI Meeting).

Where we are...
Lido di Camaiore, is located among Viareggio and Marina di Pietrasanta, in the Versilia's Area (Tuscany). The closer Railways Station is Viareggio (km 3), on the connection Rome-Genoa or with the direct connection from Florence S.M.N., the closer Motorway Exit (km 1) is, ever, Viareggio, both on the Motorways no. 11 (A11 Florence-Lucca-Viareggio) and both on the no. 12 (A12 Livorno-Genoa), while the closer International Airport is Pisa -G. Galilei- (km 30).
Some pics of Viareggio
Visit the Official Site, for Viareggio and Versilia, of the Tuscany's Tourism Agency.

Marco Mancini, Ricciardo Canova and Piero Lapiana of the Club Panerai, 
are waiting for you...


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