Meetings Club Panerai
Eventi nel Mondo
XV Meeting 2015 (Programme) + 15 Years Club Panerai (May, 1st 2000-2015)

Welcome in Viareggio-I, HQ of the Club Panerai!

Sat. 9th May 2015, there is the XV Meeting of the Club Panerai.
Programme and Hotel Accomodation*: 
Has been sent only to the guests registered.
(Are allowed a max no. of 30 guests*).

We suggest to the Panerai's passionates these two books dedicated to the history of the watches Panerai, written by Loris Pasetto-I and Volker Wiegmann-D, respectively: -Panerai. An Italian History-

and -Vintage Panerai. History Vol. II-, both already availables as from June 2013.

History Vol. no. 1 and 2


For this XV edition, the O. Panerai will send us some promotional items for the guests (Guide Florence, Cap + T-Shirt Panerai C. Y. Challenge and Catalogue 2015/16: we thanks Carla Salicini, Giacomo Cinelli and Stefano Pedretti-O. Panerai Milan-I),

while the Gifts of the Club Panerai for the guests of this XV edition has been made by Sergio Luiz Gallo of the Ecoside (Sao Paulo-BRA) with a small Bag personalized XV Meeting and the logo Club Panerai, by Ruggero Buzzetti (Milan-I) of the Italian Forum Panerai -Orologi & Passioni- with a wall Clock Marina Militare Luminor Panerai dial styled, to given free, with a lottery, to the guests 
by Andrea Polverini of the Manifatture Firenze (Sesto Fiorentino-I) with some leather Straps, for the Luminor mod. 44mm and the Radiomir mod. 45/47mm.
and by Fabrizio Ciampi of the Cuoierie Meccaniche Brelli (Castelfiorentino-I) with a leather Key-Holder dedicated just to the Battle Ship -Scirocco-.

Post-Card: Click here (by Mario Paci, .pdf).

Final Dinner of Sat: Euro 45.00 pro-head;
Main Event of Sat: Visit in La Spezia of the Battle Ship -Scirocco- of the Italian Navy, with a mini-bus and lunch there, Euro 75.00 pro-head;
Hotel: Single room, bed and breakfast, Euro 80.00 per day;
Hotel: Double room, bed and breakfast, Euro 110.00 per day and per room 
(or Euro 90.00, if single room use);
Hotel: Triple room, bed and breakfast, Euro 140.00 per day and per room;
P. S: The hotel is equipped, in every room, with the safe and also the animals are allowed. No exhibition of watches is scheduled.

Info and Bookings: Write, by giving the arrival and the departure date + the names of the participants and the kind of room requested, within Mon. 27th Apr. 2015, both to:
- (Programme and Events, Piero Lapiana. Object: XV Meeting);
- (Hotel Accomodation and/or Final Dinner of Sat. 9th May 2015, Nicola and Cesare Salvini. Object: XV Meeting).
Where we are...
Lido di Camaiore, is located among Viareggio and Marina di Pietrasanta, in the Versilia's Area (Tuscany). The closer Railways Station is Viareggio (km 3), on the connection Rome-Genoa or with the direct connection from Florence S.M.N., the closer Motorway Exit (km 1) is, ever, Viareggio, both on the Motorways no. 11 (A11 Florence-Lucca-Viareggio) and both on the no. 12 (A12 Livorno-Genoa), while the closer International Airport is Pisa -G. Galilei- (km 30).
Some pics of Viareggio
Visit the Official Site, for Viareggio and Versilia, of the Tuscany's Tourism Agency.
Marco Mancini, Ricciardo Canova and Piero Lapiana of the Club Panerai, 
are waiting for you...




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