Meetings Club Panerai
Eventi nel Mondo
Opening Boutique Panerai Rome
Tue. 11 June 2019, the Club PANERAI (Piero Lapiana and Rita Gallo) has been invited to the official opening of the new PANERAI Boutique in Rome, housed in Via Del Babuino 130 ... with the presence, among others, of Jean-Marc Pontroué - Ceo PANERAI, of Carlo Ceppi - Sales Manager for Italy, Mauro Colombo - Director of the Boutique Rome and of Gregorio Paltrinieri - Olympic 1500 m freestyle swimming italian champion and new Ambassador of the PANERAI brand in the world.

On display in the boutique, not only the latest news of the new Submersible Collections and Luminor Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge 2019, but also the new Luminor Marina 3 Days 44mm, ref. Pam 1025, produced in 130 pieces and dedicated to the Boutique of Rome with, engraved on the back, the famous staircase (of 130 steps ...) of Piazza di Spagna.

After the ribbon cutting for the official inauguration by Jean-Marc Pontroué and Gregorio Paltrinieri, we went to the nearby Fuksas Lanterna, for the welcome cocktail, followed by the video of the presentation of the Submersible Expericence (watches and video Collection) and the delivery to Gregorio Paltrinieri as Brand Ambassador of the new Submersible Carbotech-TM 47mm, ref. Pam 1616.

Photos of the event are also available on Facebook (Club Panerai) and on Instagram ( 

Mauro Colombo Bout. Roma

Piero - Rita

Stefano Sergi

Carlo Ceppi

Pam 1025-Luminor Marina Bout. Roma

Luminor Marina Bout. Roma

Pam 1025-L. Marina Boutique Rome 44mm

Luminor Marina Bout. Roma

Pam 1616-Submersible Carbotech-TM 47mm

Pam 1616-Submersible Carbotech-TM 47mm

Jean-Marc Pontroué - Gregorio Paltrinieri

Gregorio Paltrinieri

Valentina Bonciani Bout. Firenze

Caffè Greco


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